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Friday, January 9, 2009

Mengapa Zakar Bengkok ke kiri/kanan dan Penyelesaiannya

Sebab yang utama adalah disebabkan kekerapan melancap(masturbate),sewaktu melancap apabila hendak mencapai orgasm selalunya pihak lelaki akan menguatkan genggaman pada zakar terutamanya dipangkal zakar.

Jika anda melancap menggunakan tangan kanan, sewaktu anda hendak mencapai orgasm selalunya jari-jari anda akan melakukan genggaman yg kuat di bahagian kiri zakar(Corpora Cavernosa) dan ini akan menyebabkan tisu pengembang(Corpora Cavernosa bahagian kiri akan rosak dan menjadi parut dan tidak mampu mengembang.

Bila kerapkali anda lakukan melancap dgn cara begini maka zakar anda akan bengkok ke kiri.Maka jika anda menggunakan tangan kiri utk melancap, zakar anda akan bengkok ke kanan.

Anatomi zakar:

Bahagian zakar terbahagi kepada 3 bahagian:

Zakar terdiri dari 3 rongga utama, 2 rongga atas adalah rongga menyokong ketegangan yang dinamakan Corpora Cavernosa dan 1 rongga di bawahnya adalah saluran kencing dan sperma, namanya Corpus Spongisum.Pada saat tegang, darah akan mengalir ke semua rongga tersebut terutama pada Corpora Cavernosa.

Maka apabila satu bahagian corpora nervosa sama ada kiri atau kanan rosak dan berparut maka pengaliran darah ke semua rongga-rongga ini jadi tak seimbang.Dan berlaku gejala zakar bengkok ke kiri atau ke kanan bergantung pada tangan mana yang digunakan.

3 cara utk betulkan kembali zakar bengkok disamping memanjangkannya.
Tujuan urutan zakar lebih kepada membesarkan tisu-tisu kecil corpora nervosa tadi, maka tisu-tisu itu dapat menerima darah dlm kuantiti yg lebih banyak, dan zakar akan menjadi besar apabila tegang.Dari segi memulihkan kembali tisu-tisu yang rosak akibat melancap,tidak berapa nampak sangat hasilnya, kerana saya memang mengamalkan urutan sebelum ini.Hasil lebih kepada kebesaran, kepanjangan tidak nampak perubahan. Leceh nak buat.

2-Pam vakum
Merbahaya kerana jika salah penggunaan akan menyebabkan tisu-tisu kecil corpora nervosa dan urat-urat saraf halus di dalam zakar rosak dan pecah.

3-Penis Extender
Ini adalah cara yang paling selamat, kerana ia meregangkan zakar ke tahap maksimum dan menggalakkan percambahan sel-sel yang baru.Sebenarnya teknologi ini telah lama digunakan oleh suku kaum tertentu, kalau di Malaysia kita boleh lihat suku kaum di Sabah yang menggantungkan benda berat utk memanjangkan telinga mereka.

Sama juga konsep yang digunakan oleh penis extender ini, iaitu apabila zakar diregangkan secara maksimum, tisu-tisu yang rosak tadi akan bercambah kembali dan tisu-tisu pengembang yang sedia ada akan bercambah secara sama rata dan akan menyumbangkan kepada kepanjangan dan membetulkan zakar yang bengkok.Disamping menambahkan sedikit kebesaran zakar ditempat yang bengkok tadi, kerana semasa bengkok, bahagian itu lebih langsing dari bahagian zakar yang lain kerana tisu-tisu pengembang di bahagian itu rosak dan tak berfungsi.Maka setelah regangan tisu-tisu pun bercambah dan tisu-tisu pengembang mengembang secara sama rata dan mengembalikan kelurusan zakar.

Pakar sakit tuan yang terkenal iaitu Dr Ismail Thambi pun mengesyorkan alat ini utk zakar yang bengkok dan utk panjangkan zakar.

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Penis Enlargement Articles

+/- Article1: Top Penis Enlargement Technique - Try This Top Penis Enlargement Technique For Large

Top Penis Enlargement Technique - Try This Top Penis Enlargement Technique For Large Gains

By Danielle Spencer

Men are frequently scouring the net in order to find a top penis enlargement technique. This article will discuss a top penis enlargement exercise technique to help lengthen the penis and will explain in detail why permanent penis enlargement is actually possible.

The key to increasing the size of a man's penis lies in the blood flow to the penis and through the penis. It is, in fact, the increase of blood flow to and through the penis that enables men to lengthen their penis. That is why top penis enlargement exercise tips focus on doing exercises that will ultimately increase the amount of blood flowing through the penis.

There are a number of top penis enlargement exercise tips. Like with more traditional exercise methods, penis lengthening exercises include a warm up and also a cool down. Of course there is a little effort involved in following a top penis enlargement exercise technique like the one I'm about to reveal to you. If you are a naturally lazy person and are looking for penis enlargement without too much exertion and effort on your part I would suggest that you look at penis enlargement pills, penis enlargement extenders and even plastic surgery for penis enlargement.

Here is a top penis enlargement technique for you to try. Of course, I recommend that you perform every penis enlargement exercise in the comfort and privacy of your own home, for obvious reasons.

A top penis enlargement exercise technique is the Jelq. This top penis enlargement exercise technique involves a rhythmic, slow outward pulling movementwhich is said to allow more blood to flow to the penis and through the penis. This a very simple penis enlargement exercise technique. As with most exercises, you should start slowly, avoid overdoing it, and slowly build up your penis enlargement technique every week.

There are many varieties of a top penis enlargement exercise technique like this. However, like body building or any other method of creating muscle bulk, some regularity and consistency is required. Also, as the penis is such a sensitive and delicate area it is absolutely critical that you are very careful when doing any penis enlargement technique, as doing the exercise incorrectly could cause permanent and embarrassing damage.


Tag: zakar, penis, enlargement, penis enlargement, senamax, extender, male enhancement

+/- Article2: Natural Penis Enlargement - Avoid These Penis Enlargement Methods

Natural Penis Enlargement - Avoid These Penis Enlargement Methods

By T. Kenny

Natural penis enlargement is not exactly a new market today. From a small niche, this kind of market is moving toward the mainstream. You may surprise that there are a lot of men are willing to discuss about sexual health dysfunctions and how to enlarge their penis size naturally.

More and more men will simply spend their money in some enlargement methods just to increase their penis size both in length and girth. They tend to believe that a better sex life needs a bigger penis.

Try to make a search in Internet about penis enlargement, you will find that the sort of penis enlargement products are quite big. Nevertheless, not all enlargement methods are acceptable and safe to use, you should be aware of some scams.

Here we talk about two penis enlargement methods that we DO NOT recommend.

1) Penis Enlargement Pumps

Although penis pumps have been available in the market for a long time, yet, there is no medically proven showed that it can enlarge the penis size permanently. Penis pumps work by creating a vacuum around the penis to bring more blood flow to the tissue. However, some men find that using the enlargement pump over a period may cause some serious side effects like loss of erection.

2) Penis Enlargement Surgery

Yes we know there are still some physicians may recommend enlargement surgery as a best option in penis enlargement, yet, this method does pose some serious risk like infection. Be noted that a common way of enlargement surgery is about injecting the fat that taken from your body into the penis.

Awful! Your body fat is simply implanted in your penis, can you imagine this? Men should know that this kind of surgery usually will only bring some different in girth, that is, you won't see any noticeable change in length. Furthermore, this method is costly either.

Get a larger penis size is possible only when you're applying the right method and do it properly. Kenny, the author invite you to visit his site at to see what are the best penis enlargement methods that recommended by most men. Don't forget to grab the free ebooks with no email address required when visiting this site.

Author - Kenny


Tag: zakar, penis, enlargement, penis enlargement, senamax, extender, male enhancement