Ada pula lelaki mempunyai zakar yang mengecil dan terbenam jika gemuk, tetapi apabila terangsang ereksi keluar seperti ‘leher kura- kura’.
Jika zakar kerap menegang ia kelihatan pejal dan berisi, tapi jika ereksi jarang berlaku, otot zakar lebih mengecut sehingga ia kelihatan kecil dan tidak bermaya. Bayangkan jika keadaan seperti itu berlaku kepada alat sulit anda.
Ketika masih muda, mungkin anda boleh berbangga kerana keadaan alat sulit lebih mantap dan kelihatan sempurna. Jika umur mencecah 40 tahun ke atas, kedudukan zakar berbeza.
Begitupun, ada jalan untuk memelihara alat sulit anda. Jika mahu alat sulit kelihatan lebih ‘ceria’, lakukan seperti yang disyorkan Imam Al-Nawawi mengenai penjagaan alat sulit lelaki supaya lebih cergas dan bermaya.
Antaranya, membelai penghujung anggota sulit dengan sentuhan lembut menggunakan krim pelembap setiap kali selepas mandi dan sebelum tidur setiap hari.
Melakukan sentuhan yang kerap dapat membina semangat anggota itu, tetapi bukan sentuhan onani!
Saya menjalankan kajian mengenai krim perapi anggota kelamin lelaki bernama VIRILE dan saya dapati ia membantu memejalkan alat sulit yang kecut dalam masa terdekat.
Membelai Zakar (Rahsia Zakar)
Krim itu menjalani ujian klinikal, kestabilan serta dermatologikal dan didapati selamat serta mujarab.
Selain krim itu, ada pelbagai krim daripada pelbagai jenama dan ramuan yang tidak pernah diuji secara klinikal atau ujian apa tertentu. Ia tidak saya syorkan kerana berbahaya.
Jika tersalah krim, pelbagai masalah boleh berlaku seperti penyakit kulit, kerosakan otot zakar atau kesan sampingan yang lebih serius.
Selain membelai anggota kelamin dengan lembut, anda perlu amalkan gaya hidup sihat. Jaga berat badan, elak merokok, tidak minum minuman keras dan lakukan senaman berkala.
Senaman dapat menyegarkan badan dan mengekalkan tahap hormon testoterone dan hormon tumbesaran. Senaman dan penjagaan tubuh dapat mengurangkan lemak badan, yang mana lebihan lemak di perut mengakibatkan anggota kelamin terbenam.
Top Penis Enlargement Technique - Try This Top Penis Enlargement Technique For Large Gains
By Danielle Spencer
Men are frequently scouring the net in order to find a top penis enlargement technique. This article will discuss a top penis enlargement exercise technique to help lengthen the penis and will explain in detail why permanent penis enlargement is actually possible.
The key to increasing the size of a man's penis lies in the blood flow to the penis and through the penis. It is, in fact, the increase of blood flow to and through the penis that enables men to lengthen their penis. That is why top penis enlargement exercise tips focus on doing exercises that will ultimately increase the amount of blood flowing through the penis.
There are a number of top penis enlargement exercise tips. Like with more traditional exercise methods, penis lengthening exercises include a warm up and also a cool down. Of course there is a little effort involved in following a top penis enlargement exercise technique like the one I'm about to reveal to you. If you are a naturally lazy person and are looking for penis enlargement without too much exertion and effort on your part I would suggest that you look at penis enlargement pills, penis enlargement extenders and even plastic surgery for penis enlargement.
Here is a top penis enlargement technique for you to try. Of course, I recommend that you perform every penis enlargement exercise in the comfort and privacy of your own home, for obvious reasons.
A top penis enlargement exercise technique is the Jelq. This top penis enlargement exercise technique involves a rhythmic, slow outward pulling movementwhich is said to allow more blood to flow to the penis and through the penis. This a very simple penis enlargement exercise technique. As with most exercises, you should start slowly, avoid overdoing it, and slowly build up your penis enlargement technique every week.
There are many varieties of a top penis enlargement exercise technique like this. However, like body building or any other method of creating muscle bulk, some regularity and consistency is required. Also, as the penis is such a sensitive and delicate area it is absolutely critical that you are very careful when doing any penis enlargement technique, as doing the exercise incorrectly could cause permanent and embarrassing damage.
Tag: zakar, penis, enlargement, penis enlargement, senamax, extender, male enhancement